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On May 28th 1855 the corner stone of Cedar Church was laid and the Union between the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) and Reformed Church (UCC) began.  The Church was dedicated for all times to the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. With the hopes that this church would be a constant testimony of their love for Christ and his teachings for them and future generations.  They understood that where two or three are gathered in Jesus name, he will dwell among them and bless them. With full confidence they believed that this church was and is God's House, a place where he will reveal himself. 


Today we carry on as one  church that cherishes our traditions but engages with our communities in new and relevant ways. Like the founders of Cedar Church we have the same hope that this church would continue to be a constant testimony of our love for Christ and his teachings for us and future generations. 

Please Come and Join Us

We would Love to get know YOU !

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